“Becca is a true master of her craft: honest, lively, thoughtful, and real…From beginning to end, she captures and holds the audience’s attention.”
— All About SOLO | TRICH at United Solo Theatre Festival
“Becca Schneider steals the show.”
— Theatre Is Easy | Doppelskope’s Gruff! the Musical
“A master class on simplicity and presence.”
— Theater That Matters | Between Two Boroughs’ Cannibal Galaxy
“Let me just say right off: Becca Schneider is a talented actress and a terrific writer.”
— Out in Jersey | TRICH at Luna Stage
“[Becca is] a born entertainer and adds frequent touches of humor…as well as some dramatic tension that will keep you hanging on every word.”
— NJArts.net | TRICH at Luna Stage
“Ms. Schneider is so honest with us from the jump that it feels like we’re friends from moments into the show.”
— [Q]onStage | TRICH at Luna Stage
“Schneider's proficiency as an actor and instantaneous human likeness felt like watching an ensemble of 50.”
— Lehigh Valley Press | TRICH at Civic Theatre of Allentown
“With the command and swagger of a Shakespearean heroine, Becca Schneider winningly plays nephew Fred, Scrooge's doomed sister Fan…and a quirky and affecting Tiny Tim.”
— Theatrescene.net | Blessed Unrest's A Christmas Carol
“Becca’s portrayal of the genius/nerd Berdine is a marvel of comic timing. She can make an audience laugh with just a smirk, a raised eyelid or a bleary, wide-eyed look.”
— The Morning Call | Theatre Outlet’s Psycho Beach Party
“Someone invented 'aplomb' to describe the marked intelligence with which Becca Schneider took turns as Sofya, Sergei’s wife, and Osip, a gun-toting lowlife.”
— Osburnt | Blessed Unrest's Platonov
“Becca plays the fragmented, fearful Claire with exquisite agony. You can see her breaking apart bit by bit, losing her center and trying to hold on to the debris flying around her orbit. You want to go and glue her back together, hold her in your arms and comfort this broken bird.”
— Stage Biz | Between Two Boroughs’ Cannibal Galaxy
“Becca exhibited adept duality, moving between the lovelorn Sofya and the outlaw Osip with ease. [She] was able to truly embody two dueling personalities of Chekhov, a capable woman stricken by love and the raunchy, unapologetically fringe Osip.”
— Stage Biz | Blessed Unrest's Platonov
“Becca Schneider stays on pitch singing “All I Want for Christmas is You” live, something Mariah Carey doesn't always succeed with.”
— NY Theatre Guide | Blessed Unrest's A Christmas Carol
“Becca is particularly charming in all of her roles.”
— Theatre Is Easy | Blessed Unrest's A Christmas Carol
“The nervous and spectacularly drawn Claire…portrayed by the unique and powerful Becca Schneider.”
— Front Mezz Junkies | Between Two Boroughs’ Cannibal Galaxy
“Becca Schneider is formidable.”
— Theatrescene.net | Blessed Unrest's Platonov
“Played with an engaging style, Becca Schneider delivers a routine right out of vaudeville.”
— The Morning Call | J.C. Lee’s The Nature Line
Banner: Cannibal Galaxy: a love story | Maria Baranova Photography